Workstation and Network Support

Coming Soon ==> Phenix Software Technologies - On-line Support System

Many of our clients, especially small businesses with no IT staff on-site, have asked for a support maintenance plan for their installed PCs products and networks. So we have developed what we think is an excellent support plan that will to help lower your computer costs. We feel strongly that regular maintenance and monitoring will prevent serious problems, improve the efficiency of your office, and lower overall costs. We can find those small issues and correct them, before they become large problems.

The maintenance support plan includes a regular check-up that ensures all your computers are functioning properly. During our regular visits, we perform a thorough check of the following items:

- Verify all backup systems are functioning properly
- Check operating system patches and updates
- Update hardware drivers as required
- Verify java updates
- Apply Microsoft Office updates
- Verify anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-spam software is up to date and functioning properly
- Defragment hard drive as needed
- Tune up and optimize your computer speed
- Review all event logs fro early signs of software or impending hardware failures

Our maintenance plans offer a number of cost-savings benefits such as reduced rates, priority telephone and remote access support, and priority access for emergency service.

If one of our standard maintenance plans doesn't quite fit your needs, let us know, and we can also create a customized maintenance plan just for you.



Available Downloads
Contact Phenix Software Technologies Support before downloading remote access software.
Adobe Acrobat Reader  


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